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nervous peeing/pooping in crate

18 17:57:12

I have a ~5 month old shepherd mix from the local SPCA. I am trying to house train her; I have her on a regular feeding schedule, and take her out several times a day. I have had her for one week. She sleeps well in her crate, and sometimes goes in there to nap. If I leave her in her crate and leave the house, even for ten minutes, she pees or poops in her crate. Otherwise, has not pooped in the house.
I will start work in two weeks and was hoping to leave her in her crate when I'm gone, but not sure how to change this. Have tried the crate with no bedding and with bedding, with no difference.
I also thought about leaving her with access to part of the house and the balcony (where she stays quietly), and let her use pee pads on teh balcony, but don't know if this will set back house training.
She is spayed (a week ago).
thanks very much!

At this age, and being from a shelter, the dog may have stress issues from separation. The key was the dog is OK when you are home, but not when you leave.  You need to help the dog over come its fear of abondonment when you leave.

Spend a lot of time activly with the dog.
When the dog goes in teh crate tell it good dog and give it a treat/chew to occupy its mind.
Begin by leaving for just a few seconds, give a happy welcome home greeting to the dog so it is happy to see you. Lengthen the time to 20-40 seconds, then 90 seconds, then longer intervals until the dog is more interested in your returning than leaving.
You can also leave a used clothing item (sock etc) near the crate so your scent is present even when you are not.
You can also leave soothing music playing at low level.
Obedience training will also help the dog learn self confidence. We use rally style obedience that uses agility equipment to draw out weaknesses and turn them in to self confidence.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC