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agression behavior in my 1 yr. old female lab

18 18:02:16

my female lab seems to get agressive with only the females in our house.  she is not spayed yet and she likes to take clothing items and go behind the couch; when approaching her she growls and when you go to grab the item she bites you. she has already bitten me.  Also when it comes to food, she likes to try to get the cat food and when we yell at her to get away she growls and goes after you. she did this to my 10 yr. old daughter. i previously had a male lab who never showed any of this. very sweet. he passed on last year. hope you can help. we really don't want to have to get rid of her.

Hi Denise

I am sorry, i can't help with serious aggression problems in this format - it needs to been fully assessed by a qualified behaviourist who can help you discover why she is behaving like this and help to modify her behaviour.

It is vital you get some help as she may seriously injure someone.  If you do not keep her and do not treat the problem then I'm afraid she is likely to be put to sleep as it is unfair to pass this problem on to someone else.

Good Luck
