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stop jumping dog

19 8:57:57

I have had a 70 pound britney spaniel mix perhaps with american bulldog for a couple years.  He prob 3 or 4 years old and we live in an apartment.  He is an awesome dog and very protective and affectionate at same time and is very content in an apartment and poddytrained.  Other then his obsession with my wives clothes and shoes which hel chew once in while if they are left out, he is excellent dog and has never damaged any carpeting or anything else in apartment.  The one thing I have tried to break him of is when it is time to go outside, he naturally gets very excited and sprints around apartment and jumps on and off the furniture and on me until he can calm down enough to stand with me at front door to put his leash on.  I love him to death, but I would like to stop that behavior.  I gave him the command go sit by the door and he is extremely smart and picked that up immediately and knows what I want him to do when I say it especially if I point at the door, but he will bark at me when I tell him that and he will try to sit somewhere other then by the front  Thus, I try just standing there and waiting for him to do it and when he does, I will walk over and give him a treat.  But the problem is when he finally takes his correct position, and I start walking toward him, he then gets excited all over again and will do his sprinting and  I am not sure what I should do.  The sprinting and jumping just makes me nervous that he will trip one of us and get injured or injure himself, thus my goal is when I know when he has to go outside, to be able to stand and wait for him to go to the door and stay at the door without all the commotion and chance of hurting someone.  Have any suggestions?

Yes I do have a few suggestions for you. It seems that he will listen and has the ability to understand commands just gets overly excited,so lets work on some new commands before and after the leash goes on or off.(train with his leash or long lead on) ask him to sit,(reward when he does) while he is sitting ask him to stand, if you need to lure him from sit take treat hold in front of him give tiny tug on lease to get him to stand. While standing touch underneath his belly and ask him to stand stay, count to ten and then release him with the word ok! If you teach him the stand/stay command then when you put leash on that will be the command you will use.When you finish your walk also use the stand stay command so you are setting him up to wait quietly before and after the leash.
As for you walking towards him and he gets excited and starts to jump around teach him to sit on command and stay.
This can be fixed if you redirect him will a few simple obedience commands. Work with him on these commands not only in the house but while you are walking outside, if you reward with praise and a simple small treat every time he does what you ask he will learn fast.

Let me if you have anymore questions,and how this is working for you.
