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Fearful 1 year old dog

18 17:59:42

We found Fred (he looks like a large min pin but have been told he's a manchester terrier) about 3 weeks ago on the side of the road after we nearly hit him. He was near starvation and it was below freezing outside so we took him in. We have given him food and a warm place to stay. We took him to the vet and got his shots and found out he's about a year old. He was extremely shy at first but we were attributing it to being scared. He has opened up and is very good with other dogs. He's full of energy and always wants to play. BUT for some reason, he's terrified of my boyfriend (who is with him just as much as I am). At first we thought maybe he had been beaten and was afraid of men in general, but he has been fine with every other male. My boyfriend is the one who rescued him from the side of the road, got bit by Fred when we first picked him up and took his shirt off to keep him warm until we got home. When we take Fred on walks and I'm walking him next to me with Tim either in front or behind me, Fred is fine. The second Fred walks next to Tim, he can't concentrate, his tail is between his legs and he can't keep his eyes off of Tim... I have to nearly drag him. It's been a month and it's getting frustrating. Fred can't stay home alone with Tim without being tied up because he's so scared of him. We've tried to thave Tim be the one who feeds him, takes him on walks, lets him sleep in his lap... everything... but nothing seems to work. Please help! Any suggestions would be very appreciated!! thanks soooo much.

Danielle, Tim and Fred.

Hello Danielle,

So Fred is filled with dread by Tim?

OK, let's fix that.

I'd suggest that we take advantage of a dog's natural instinct to adore his leader. So let's make Tim the leader. I suspect that Tim has been trying too hard to get along with the dog. This would be only human. However, your dog doesn't understand "human"; he's a dog. Leaders are aloof not warm and comforting. Have Tim totally ignore your dog EXCEPT for feeding him and walking him Have Tim also spit in his food before feeding him to transfer his scent to the food. Also have him walk Fred at a heel to communicate that he is the leader. Otherwise, Tim should totally ignore the dog. Finally have Tim put a sock or some other item with his scent on it in the place where the dog sleeps.

In 2 or 3 weeks Fred should realize that (1) Tim is the leader and (2)all the things in life that he prizes come from Tim. Upon discovering these things, your dog should gradually warm up considerably to your boyfriend and they should become lifelong friends.

Good Luck!
