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Dog is house trained but pees if we are gone for more than 4 hours

18 17:52:04

I have a 1.5 year old Siberian Husky. He is fully house trained and will tell us when he has to go outside, whether its nuzzling you when your sitting on the couch, or he'll go up to his leash and tug at it. But we do work during the day and if we are gone for more than 4 or 5 hours, often 8 for an average work day; there will be poop and pee nearly 70% of the time when we get home. This has now changed to us even being gone for an hour or two. Its always in the same area, I assume from the previous smell. He gets plenty of exercise from walks, and we take him to the park 3x a week. He is very intelligent and this only started happening within the past month or so. The problem is it seems to be getting worse, what do you recommend we do??

Consider feeding him earlier and withholding water sooner before you leave for the day. Also, buy a crate and keep him restricted to it, but see if you can have someone, like a dog walker, take him out for a walk while you are at work--8 hours is a fairly long time to have to hold it. It sounds like it might also be sep. anxiety-related, so a dog walker will help with that as well. Finally, buy a good cleaning product, like Nature's Miracle, that will completely remove any traces of past accidents.

Good luck,
Josh Abrams