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Feeding new addition

19 8:59:22

I have a 12 year old Japanese Chin - very gently and friendly.  We just adopted a 1 year old Yorkie/Chihuahua.  They are getting along well!  My question: My 12y/o is a grazer.  The new doggie tries to eat all the food that I put out for both of them at once.  I'm just concerned that the older dog will not get enough food.  He won't try to show who is boss b/c he's so serene.  Thanks for your help!

You have 2 options to ensure the older dog's food is not gobbled up by your new puppy.  Either keep his food in an area the pup does not have access to, or start feeding at specific times rather than leaving food down.

Chances are, the older dog will realize that if it does not eat when it can, the food will not be there.  That will most likely happen whether you leave the food down or choose to feed at specific times, but again if you want to ensure this you should keep the food from the pup.  

Another thing to consider-the 1 yr old should not be eating the same food as your senior dog, so I would be sure to feed them separately anyway.