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pulling on the leed

18 17:59:23

how i stop my 7 month old male husky stop pulling on the leed

First use the proper training collars. A pring collar mimmicks the mother dog correcting method of putting pressure on teh dogs neck. When fitted properly, when slack you should easily put 2 fingers under any of the dull prongs, then when pulled tight, you should be able to feel pressure with 1 finger under the prongs. Used this way it cannot hurt the dog. A slightly longer choke chain is used for security as the prong colllars are links and come open. Tags go on the buckle collar. Use these only when you are with the dog.

Hold the lead near the hasp, with 2-3 inches of slack. When the dog gets ahead or behind the pressure of the lead tension wiall automatically tighten the collar giving the dog its signal from mom.

usually takes 10-20 minutes for a normal dog to learn not to pull.

DO NOT buy the cheap plastic crap being advertised on TV as the "training secret" it is made of cheap rope and plastic that can be chewed and broken by a dog.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC