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running back in forth in car

18 17:59:15

Our 3 year old black lab LOVES riding in the car.  Every time he gets in though, he literally runs back and forth from side to side as if he's going to miss something.  This happens on short and long car rides.  Not only does he run back and forth but he also whines, cries and barks out of excitement, but often sounds as if the stimulation is painful.  How can we get him to calm down and stop doing these things?  

thank you!

I think you should get him a seatbelt harness. I'm afraid running back and forth like that is dangerous. It is distracting to the driver and the dog could fall if you need to hit the breaks or swerve suddenly. Besides, the harness will help keep him safe if there's an accident. Crack the window next to him just enough for him to stick his nose (but not his head).

You should also spend some time practicing having him sit/stay and down/stay in the back seat while the car's not moving and when he's got that down practice on short trips. I find giving a dog something to do (staying is something to do) in situations that cause them to freak out like that distracts them and helps keep them calm.

It may also help to provide him with a bully stick or something equally yummy and long lasting to chew on in the car if he will (some dogs simply do not have time for such nonsense when there's a car ride going on)

And pay attention to how you respond to car rides. Are you being overly excited when you take him out? Act like it's no big deal. Calmly tell him to get in the car and lie down and refuse to start the car till he's calm. Obviously you'll need to practice when you don't have anywhere important to be. Good luck and let me know how it goes!