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My dog wont stop peeing

19 8:59:23

I have a new little 8 month old male dog that is peeing on every thing.  I also have an older large male dog, that is going around scenting after the little dog.  I let the little dog out about every 15 minutes.  He will go and I praise him, two minutes after he is in the house he will go again right in front of me.  This goes on all day.  He knows he is doing bad, but it doesn't seem to matter.  Sometimes he just lifts his leg, but doesn't do anything.  He is crate trained so I know he can hold it if he wants to.  He has urinated on just about every wall I have in my house.  I've had him 3 days now and I am at my wits end.  What am I doing wrong?  Also he walks in front of me while jumping.  My mother who is elderly lives with us.  I am afraid he is going to trip her.  Any advise on how to break him of that?
Thanks for your help!

Is he neutered?  This sounds like typical marking behavior, in which your male is trying to tell everyone that he is there and this is his house.

As far as the walking in front/jumping-put him on lead in the house, and use the lead to keep him from being in front of you.  Then praise him when he walks behind or to the side-but not too excitedly....the jumping is probably because he is excited, so talking to him even to tell him he is wrong will just excite him more.

I also strongly recommend you enroll in an obedience class, as it sounds like you are having some respect issues.  There is some reading material on my site under the Training Basics link that will help as well.