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Dog Barks When Left Alone

18 17:51:25

I have a one  year old male boxer who seems to have separation anxiety and will bark non stop while in his crate.  He also barks when left alone, out of his crate, and being a boxer I can't afford to leave him uncrated yet.   I leave him out when I go places like the grocery store or gym for short periods, and come back to him scattering stuff around.  No major damage to furniture or structures. The neighbors are none too happy with the barking..  I have had him since he was 8 weeks and he is now a year and he has not gotten over it.  I walk him in the morning, hire someone to take him out around lunch, and then I am home in the evening and then I take him to the park or for a run.  I have tried many things, and none seem to permanently work. I have tried the transmitter, that gives off a sound when he barks, it worked for a couple weeks.  The shock collar has worked for about 3 months, but he has recently started ignoring the shock.  I have a couple bones, and kong i give him in his crate, and in his crate only, when I leave.  Other than being alone, he never barks.  He does not bark when he plays, and he does not bark at people or dogs walking by.  What else can I try to help him get past this separation anxiety?  All the symptoms are there, crying, barking, soiling his blankets, destroying toys.  He follows me everywhere when I'm home, and like i said before, he never barks or soils in the house unless he is by himself.  Please Help!!!!  Thank you!

Hello Kyle!

Sometimes a ticking clock by your Boxer's crate, or some sort of white noise may help to calm him.  Check out this blog post, and be sure to read the comments below it also.  I hope you will find some things there to help.  Separation Anxiety can be a really tough one to get through.

Good luck!
