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Dog leaving the yard

19 8:56:51

Hi my 8 month old Lab has started leaving the yard when we leave.  He used to stay home but now he goes looking for us.  I end up picking him up at neighbors, then I put him in a kennel.  This doesn't seem to deter him.  I've started tying him up when we are gone but this is not ideal.  what is a good method to teach him not to leave the yard?

Hi Pam

I assume your yard is not enclosed?  Sorry, as I am in the UK I can't quite picture what you mean.  We have gardens and no one leaves their dog outside!

Assuming it is not enclosed so he can just wander out (as opposed to jumping out for example), what he is doing is perfectly natural.  He is right in the middle of adolescence so will be taking a big interest in his surroundings (his territory), and especially in female dogs if he is un-neutered.  He is simply gaining in confidence and independence as he matures and so is going off to explore.  The question I would ask is why would he stay in the yard when he doesn't have to?!  He really needs to be in an enclosed area when you leave him; it is unreasonable to expect him to stay home of his own accord at this age.  I agree with not tethering him, it can be dangerous and is unfair.

If he is anxious about you leaving him then he needs to be taught to be left and to feel relaxed about it.  Do this by gradually leaving him for longer and longer.  However, I expect you would have seen signs before now if this was the problem.

I hope this is helpful?
