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seperation anxiety

18 17:50:49

Hi Kim, I have just rescued a 4y.o male shih tzu about a week ago and am experiencing some issues with him. WHilst we are home he is the perfect little angel - happy, quiet and well behaved. However, the moment we leave the house, he seems to panic, and will scratch up the front door and defecate on the expensive rugs! I spoke to the woman who rescued him and was told that whilst she fostered him he had absolutly no accidents, however he did have access to a doggy door. Due to the layout of my garage, this simply isn't possible as the dog will be in danger. I was considering fencing off a small area for him outside, thinking this may calm him. Any advice? Thanks!

Hi Erica!

Separation anxiety can be really difficult for a dog to overcome, but it can be done.  If you believe making an area outside for him will help, try it and see.  Hopefully the woman who rescued your puppy is being honest about her experience to help you.  

Check out my blog post on separation anxiety, and be sure to read the comments below it for recommendations from those who have been through this with their dogs.

Good luck!