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neutered male dog mounting spayed female

19 9:05:14

We were given a 2 year old Maltipoo male which was neutered last week. We have had him for 2 weeks now. We have a 10 year female shepherd/chow mix. The older female dog doesn't pay any attention to the younger male. The younger male is obsessed with the older female's rear end and trys to mount her. He is 7 lbs and she is 86 lbs. He is persistent. The female is mildly annoyed by his climbing on her. She is a very laid back dog. I try to keep the seperated, but he looks for her. How can we get him to stop? Why does he want to do that when he is neutered? Any info. would be greatly appreciated. This site is the best!

Hi Shelly,

What your dog is doing is somewhat normal for a recently neutered male.  It can take 30 or so days for the hormones to go away.   I would not be too concerned about it but would just make him stop and not make too big of a deal over it.  Most likely it will pass.

However, please check his incision well.  Sometimes if they have an infection due to the neuter, it can cause this increased and persistant mounting.    If you notice any redness or swelling around the incision, I would recommend having him checked out.  I would hope your vet would not charge you to "recheck" his neuter.   

I'm glad you have a calm female -- or the little 7 lb guy could be in trouble!!
