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dog soiling rugs

19 9:03:55

QUESTION: Dear Charlotte, I have 4 dogs and live in a big house in Guatemala. In the living room I have 2 area rugs and I can't seem to stop 2 of the dogs from soiling on them, particularly if it is raining or the grass is wet!! One dog is a Cocker Spaniel female and the other is a 1 yr old mix. They know that they've done wrong and the doors are always open so that they can go out. I've tried sprinkling pepper or chili on the rugs, but it didn't help it. Help. Jenna

ANSWER: For just now,  stop giving them access to the living room,  and clean your rug with an emzyme based cleaner.  The smell of the rug will be attracting them to go back and do it again. That is the first thing.  We need to know if the dogs (when their rugs are taken from them) will go in the house elsewhere.

Tell me what you think.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, thank you for answering so quickly. They don't go in the house if the rugs are not there. We have washed them, but what is an enzyme based cleaner? I don't know whether that would be available here. Its really big and open here and would be practically impossible to keep them out of the living room and I don't want to have to give up the rugs either. Is there anything you know of that they would really hate the smell of that I can put on the rugs temporarily? Thank you, Jenna


This one looks great.

I do understand,  I have an islamic parayer rug that is an antique,  and no way would I part with it,  no way.

Anyway,  tell me what you think.

Oh btw- an enzyme based cleaner is like biological washing powder,  the enyzmes eat dirt for lack of a better explanation.  :-)