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neutered male dog still tracking

19 8:57:55

I adopted a 4 year old dog who wasn't neutered.  I immediately had him neutered.  Now, 3 weeks later, he still runs off to mark territory.  He won't come when I call, just seems possessed.  Would applying a scent near his nose help stop the urge? Or--what else would help.
Thank you

Firstly, it takes some time for the testosterone to completely diminish post neuter.  Secondly, dogs aren't born knowing what "come" means, and I believe that the problem may be that the previous owner did not train a good recall.  Don't let him off leash!  Do get a copy of Leslie Nelson's DVD, "Really Reliable Recall" - if you follow it, you should have him coming to you willingly in no time!  If my hound can do it, I bet your dog can, too.  I got my dog at age 2+ and he was un-neutered.  I neutered him, and now he has a CGC and is a registered therapy dog.
If you want to take him to classes, try finding your trainer at one of these sites: