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chow/husky mix

18 18:01:17

I just adopted a chow/husky mix and he is really calm but I heard that chows are aggressive and I wanted to know if I have to do something about it. can you tell me how to teach him tricks like play dead, play with a tennis ball,roll over etc.


Dogs are individuals so if he seems friendly then he is - Chows are usually aloof and quiet, huskies are very active!

The two breeds are quite hard to train, being independent and difficult to motivate so you will have to work hard.  I can't detail how to teach tricks here as it will take too long but suggest clicker training if you want to have fun and teach lots of party tricks!  Get a book, perhaps one by Karen Pryor about clicker training, or attend a class and you will have all the skills you need!

have fun!
