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Training a beagle

19 9:05:16

Hello Kristen,

I need help!  I purchased a beagle about 7 months ago, and we still have accidents happening in the house.  Granted, they have decreased, its still extremely frustrating.  Spanking does not work, in fact I try not to do it as she gets afraid of me now.  My wife and I lover her very much, just want her to get out of this stage.  It seems like she is the only puppy who still is not trained at this age, and i feel partly responsible.  I know she can hold it in if necessary, as she is in a crate for 6 hours during the day and never has an accident during that period.  It seems like I must constantly be watching out for her after an hour of taking her out.  Any advise you can give would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Your puppy is not the only dog that is not trained at her age, Rick, and you are right not to spank her, for exactly the reasons you stated - it doesn't work and it only makes the puppy afraid of you.

If she's not already, put her on a food/water schedule. Do not leave food and water available to her at all times. When she's out of her crate, keep a leash on her so that you can get her outside as soon as she starts to go potty, or show signs of needing to go potty. If you want, you can even keep her leashed TO you. She's still young. Just keep at it and she should figure it out!