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dog shaking in the car

19 9:01:35

    I have a long haired Chihuahua. This is the third year I have had her. I travel a lot and she comes with me. When she was a baby she did not mind the car. For the past year or so she shakes like crazy anytime we go anywhere in the car. What can I do to stop this? I feel really bad for her.


Hi Sarah,

The most important thing is not to try and soothe her when she is showing fear in the car. That will only reinforce her fear. Check your driving. Are you turning corners on two wheels or making a lot of quick stops and starts? Drive in a steady controlled pace. Give her a treat at the beginning and end of your trip so she associates the car with a fun, yummy place to be.

Dog phobias are usually caused by lack of leadership. Read this article on being a leader to your dog <> and try to ramp up your Alpha status. If she can feel confident in looking to you for guidance, her fear will subside.

Good Luck!