Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > dog runs away

dog runs away

18 17:50:37

My 10 lb Poodle who I have had since a puppy is nutered and when he gets a chance he runs away for hours, but does come back I'm getting to the point of giving him away but need him for companionship as I'm alone, how can I stop him from this habit with out hurting him? will a barking collar or a electric fence help? I'm disabled and have no help from any one to do a fence for me nor the funds ?please give me some idea as I do love him . thank you.

Hi Gregory!

I wonder if you can tell me more about your situation so that I can best answer your question?  How does your Poodle get out and run away?  Do you turn him loose?  Are you on acreage or what?  Does he escape from inside somehow?  How do you typically take him out to do his business?  When you ask about an electric fence, are you referring to the hidden electric fence with a shock collar for dogs, or a visible wire electric fence?

Let me know, and I will try to get back to you quickly.
