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wall eatting

18 18:03:19

I have a corgi named Howdy,that's seven months. She has just started to eat the walls of my home. She was such a sweetheart before then out of nowhere bamb. I tried to put pepper on the holes and she just go for a new spot. What's up. We took her with us on vacation and she was wonderful. She is only left by herself for four hours then someone is home. Help

Hi Vickie

Before trying to prevent a behaviour being performed (putting pepper on he walls) you need to know the reason why it is happening, then treat the cause, not the symptom.  I can't tell you what that is I'm afraid!  Has there been a change of routine?  Is she bored?  Lacking exercise?  Deficient in something in her diet? Attention seeking?  When does she do it - when alone? When you are there?  When anxious?  When relaxed?  Before or after exercise?

You need to think about all this and more then work out why it is happening.  You can then address the cause.

Best wishes
