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Puppy Training Question

18 17:46:25

My dog is a seven month old maltese. We have had her for about five months.  We are training her with pee pads, and she will pee on them, but she refuses to poop on them.  My family has tried multiple things and were getting desperate.  She won't, go on the grass pad and we've tried putting her in the crate in another room to poop, and she'll poop on it in there, but the next day she'll poop on the floor again! We have even left the poop under the grate thats above the pad so that she could smell it on there Please we really need some help. Any suggestions are welcome. How can we get her to poop on the pad?

Hi Dana,
Sorry about the delay. I was having email problems and did not get the notification about this message.

Try the following and let me know if you need more help:

Use a separate pad for urine and feces.
Make sure the pad is changed frequently. Sometimes puppies won't go on a soiled pad.
Use a smaller crate without a pad (crates should not be used as potty areas) and take her out more frequently on the pad. Only keep her on there for 3 minutes and then put her back in the crate. Obviously this is something that you can only do if you are home to work with her.

Let me know if you need more suggestions.

Good luck.