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My dog Sydney

19 9:00:11

Hey! Ok so 3 weeks ago i adopted a dog from the shelter. She is a tripod and she is very sweet... but, in those 3 weeks, she has ran away from home around 10 times! I dont know if she is happy or not, but i have been working with her. But she keeps running away. A few factors may be because her breed, a coonhound mix, or my mom thinks shes looking for something like her old owner, since she was found on top of a pass. But i have no clue... if you have any suggestions on how to train her not to run away email me... also if you think she is happy or not, but if thats not in your expertice then dont bother with the happy or not thing! Thanks

Krystal, I cannot say if a dog is happy without seeing the dog in person. You need to keep this dog on a leash at all times, whenever you take her outside, so that she does not have an opportunity to run away. She should never be left unattended outside, even in a fenced yard, because she may figure out a way to escape.

If she is not spayed yet, that would be something I'd be doing ASAP.

You need to be teaching her some basic commands, with 'come' being a priority. I have a few videos on YouTube that should help get you started, but you might also consider enrolling with her in an obedience class as well. Training is a wonderful way of bonding with a dog and, if done right, will result in a dog that IS happy and wants to make YOU happy as well.

My YouTube videos are at