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dog eating feces.

18 17:46:01

I've had my dog Mitzu for five years now. She's a shitzu mix and while I love her she has some issues with eating her own poop. I've talked to the vet about it and I understand it is common, but I can't get her to stop. I've tried the powder unsuccessfully. I keep the yard very clean and there is never more than one pile at a time. However she seems to eat it almost compulsively. She'll turn around and eat it right after she goes, and follow my other dog around waiting for her to go to the bathroom too. If we catch her in the act she'll eat as much as she can before we can reach her, then run around in circles to avoid us. She knows that its bad, and will attempt to eat it behind our backs. No amount of punishment seems to work. we'll crate her afterwards, use angry voices, and grab her by the scruff of the neck. There has even been a few times she'll try to nip at us if we pull her away from a pile of it. Our other dog is very well behaved and we've never had an issue like this before. Other than that issue Mitzu is a very well behaved dog. Is there anything else I could try?

Hello Brianne:

There are some other remedies other then the powder that people have used with success, so the powder is not the only option.

In regards to habit, then we have to look at breaking it and the best method there would be to keep her on Leash when going for a number 2 potty.

So you'll have to figure out her schedule for pooping and always have her on leash at that time.  Then you can pull her away before she gets to eat any.

Use a command such "Leave It" and reward her moving away (you'll be pulling her away at first),make sure the reward treat is one she really loves and she only gets it when your doing this.