Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > My Sweet Mini Pin Turns into Cujo when he sees other dogs outside!

My Sweet Mini Pin Turns into Cujo when he sees other dogs outside!

19 8:59:13

My two year old mini pin is so sweet and loving, but she goes nuts when we go for a walk outside and she sees other dogs. I have tried walking the other way, saying "no" and keeping the leash close but have no luck. If I do bring her over to meet the other dogs, she stops barking and then likes to climb on them to sniff them and a few of the dogs have almost attacked her for this as they do not like her behavior. Therefore, I am reluctant to have her meet strange dogs (who are on leashes with their owners who are cooperative). This is her only problem as she is  housebroken and a wonderful pet in every way except with strange dogs. Please help as we both enjoy taking long walks and this behavior of hers is very stressful!

In this instance I strongly recommend you seek the help of a behaviorist or trainer in your area.  Although I would love to help you, this is an issue that I could not feasibly direct you to solve via the internet.  The first key to correcting this is going to be the ability to read body language and correctly timing any response-so as you can see I would need to be there with you.

Manny times you will see quite aggressive behavior from dogs on lead, who would not exhibit this off-lead.  It sounds as though part of the issue is a lack of socialization, and to properly socialize her at this point you really should be doing it under the supervision of a professional or you could very well be looking at some dog fights.  It is also going to take a very special kind of dog to work with her.

What area are you in?  I may be able to help you locate a professional near you.