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my dog is over pooping in the house

18 18:01:39

my male bichon freeze is about fifteen years old and keeps pooping(runny poop) in the house all of a sudden. we let him and my younger dog out a lot but he still goes. we make sure that we only feed him his dog food but it doesn't help. i thought that it might have been because he was marking his territory due to my friends male dog that comes over a lot.

Runny poop indicates that something is not right, Brandi. Dogs to not mark their territory with runny stools, and it's not a house training issue, either. It could be that your dog has gotten into something that has not agreed with him; it could be stress if your friend's dog has started coming over just recently; it could be that you're feeding him too much; it could be internal parasites; or it could be another, more serious, health problem.

My advice to you, as long as the stool does not contain blood, is to try giving him a half of a tablespoon of plain, canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling!!) with each of his meals to see if that helps to firm him up a bit. You can increase the amount of pumpkin if you notice that it is helping, but his stools are not completely back to normal, but be careful because if you give him too much pumpkin, you'll be back to runny stools again.

If the pumpkin does not help within a few days, I would call the vet.

PS - it's Bichon Frise, not Freeze, and it's pronounced like 'frees aye.' ;^)