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Dog on couch

19 9:01:31

What can I do to keep my dog off the couch when I am not home.  She wont dare go on it when I am home, but when I come home I know she was on it cause her hair is all over it.  She has her own bed that she loves and I put rats in it, but for some reason she feels the need to go on the couch.  Do any of those sprays work?

Hi Lori,

The sprays can work, but I usually recommend that people tape balloons to the couch.  Once the dogs pop one or two, they generally stay away from it.  Another method would be to put aluminim foil over the cusions -- either in plain site or under a sheet.  She won't like the noise and should also stay off.   You may have to repeat the above several times, but your dog should give up and go back to her comfy bed.