Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Chi


19 8:58:36

I have a 7 month old male chihuahua. I have trained him to pee outside. At nights I take him to pee at 9:30 and in the mornings at 6:45 am. Is it possible that i can take him out at least by 8 a.m. and how long can a dog go without peeing?

K, I cannot answer that question. Every dog is different, just like people. I would not make him go for longer than you are doing now, though. That's 9 hours. I don't even make my German shepherd dogs hold it for longer than that, and they probably >>could<<. It's not good to make them hold it in for too long, because that can lead to painful bladder and urinary tract infections. If you want to take him out later in the mornings, you will need to start taking him out later at night.