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bowel movements...

19 8:58:29

hi I'm Joanna 13 yrs old from Philippines and i have a month old puppy. shes a female and she cry while sleeping and cant concentrate on sleeping too much. she always cry and rubs his butt on the ground i think she cant stool!!!
I'm crying because i see her and i feel her pain. pls help me i really love the puppy actually her name is kiwiray. i need your help please what can i do to bring back her normal bowel movement. please answer me ASAP
thank you very much!

Joanna, if your puppy is only 4 weeks old, it is MUCH too young to have been taken away from its mother!! The reason she's crying is probably because she is hungry and is not yet fully weaned. When puppies are young, the mother licks their genital area to get them to use the bathroom, because they do not yet have the control to go on their own.

I would strongly suggest that you take her back and leave her with her mother for at LEAST another 2-3 weeks!