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Adult dog Soiling in house

18 17:49:12

I have an almost 3 yr. Old female sheltie I got about 1/1/2 yrs. Ago. About 7  months later I got her litter mate (female). I had them both spayed. I also have an 8 yr. Od female sheltie. The problem is the first litter mate periodically poops and pees in the house. Always the same area. Behavior went away for a period, and has now returned. We allow plenty of time outdoors, and all she does is pee. She will mess in the house when we're home, but we never see her doing it. They are not kept in crates, although they used to be at the breeders and when I first brought them home. the second litter mate no longer does this. She holds it until she's taken outside. I hate to keep just the one in a crate while the others aren't. Hoping you can help. She's pretty much trashed our carpet and it needs to be replaced but not until this is resolved.

Save your carpet - crate the girl that's messing it! Her sister has earned the privilege of freedom in the house, this girl hasn't.  It sounds like she didn't pass Housetraining 101, so go back and do the class again.  Crate her when you can't supervise.  When you DO allow her freedom, restrict her to certain areas and do not allow her access to the area where she's eliminated previously.  While you're in re-training mode, clean that portion of the carpet very thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle.

Be sure she has a way to tell you she has to go outside.  Teach her to ring a bell when she has to go out.  Here's an article I wrote with some details on that:

When you take her outside after being crated, stay with her and be sure she eliminates before you allow her back in the house.  If she doesn't go within 3 minutes, she goes back to her crate.  If she DOES go, allow her some playtime with you and the other dogs.

If you're free-feeding (leaving food out all day), stop.  Control the intake of food and you'll control when BM's happen.  Keep a log noting the time of food intake and the time of elimination.

Once you can go 2-3 weeks without an accident inside and she knows how to tell you she has to go out, gradually allow her more freedom in the house, but keep your eye on her for a while longer.  It's like having a new puppy all over again :-)

Good luck and please let me know if you have follow-up questions or comments.
