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Our Huskies hates her crate

19 8:59:05

Hi Erica:

We are having a problem with our Huskie settling in her crate.  We suspect she is a year and a half as we rescued her from a shelter.  At that time, she was 10 lbs. underweight.  Heaven knows her delima. She is intelligent and well behaved-learns well and is attached to all of us.  We notice if someone leaves, she will cry now and I imagine separation anxiety is a big factor.  We have had her 2 mths. She sleeps in my son's room in a crate, but cries and fusses continually.  He has to get up for work, so I suspect some nights he has let her out.  We give her toys, treats, you name it.  She buries all under the mat.  If we go out, she'll devour the treat and by the time we're locking the door, she's crying. I was told to put her in the crate for a hr. or so daily, which I do, when I can.  Will settle for  abit.  Do you think, in time she will learn to love her crate?  Gosh, I'm hoping, as when we go on holidays and no-one is home for 6 hrs. I dread to think of the outcome.
Please help, before I get sleep deprived and end up in a rubber crate as well.  Thanx Erica. Should of bought I goldfish.  Alot easier.

I am supplying you with a link for my crate training article.  And yes, it is generally something that WILL improve with time and patience.

And I agree-goldfish are definitely easier....if you can get past the slime when cuddling! LOL