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Dog scratches so bad he breaks his nails

19 9:04:24

I have a 7 year old shih tzu and normally he is with me 24/7. I use to be able to leave him home and didn't have a big problem, he would maybe poop but that was it and not all the time. Recently he has started scratching at the door so bad he breaks his nails and bleeds everywhere. I tried to gate him to see if that helped but instead he clawed/ate a hole right through the plastic baby gate. I have to leave him home for most the afternoon tomorrow and I worry what I will come home to.

How can I get him to stop or is there something out there I can try so he won't do damage to himself?

I really hope you can help, I also wanted to add that when he knows we are leaving...without him he startes to shake and at times will pee right on the spot like he is scared or nervous.

Thanks in advance!

Hello Lynn,

Your dog has severe separation anxiety.

This is a symptom of a larger problem in your communications to your dog and it is very unlikely that you will solve it without working with a  professional trainer.

In the short term, you are right to be concerned about your dog causing harm to himself. I would suggest you crate your dog while you are out. Put a thick blanket in the crate and be sure that it is very confining. Your dog should be barely able to turn around. Also put a sock or some other item that has your scent on it in the crate.

Although it is counter-intuitive, dogs are better able to relax in confined, cramped spaces such as a tight crate. This is why you'll often see dogs go under tables or desks during a thunderstorm or some stressful event. This is also why leaving your dog in a large area behind a gate only created more stress and phobic behavior.

Good Luck!
