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Clicker Training my boston terrier

19 9:10:02

Hello again, now that my boston terrier is older and slightly more attentive (9 months old). I am considering clicker training or other wise *home training her, she is very smart and listens to most of the things my other dogs dont respond to...she will leave something shes not supposed to be chewing on, stop wreasling with my other dogs if its getting rough you just have to shout hannah stop or stop fighting and she'll walk away from the other dogs almost instantly. Since she seems the brightest and the youngest I hosse her to train. I am very intrested in clicker training her or otherwise training her basics  sit/down/stay..I'd also like to ahve her do some tricks later on as she is quite small maxed out at 12 pounds, thank you for your help I hope to hear from you again soon, Tara.

Hello, Tara. Is there a trainer in your area that uses clickers to train? If so, I'd recommend joining one of their classes to learn. There are also resources online that can help. A couple of very good sites are: