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2 ? on dog training

18 17:57:47

1)I have a 1 year old golden retriever and 3 kids... no one ever wants to clean up the yard after Jake (the dog).  I am trying to find some easy application to put over the whole yard except where we would like to train Jake to relive himself.  Most items are really hard to apply ie spray bottles - how are you suppose to spray you're whole yard with spray bottle!  Any suggestions? I am preferably looking for something that can hook to the hose and to put on the yard.

2)What can I do to stop Jake from jumping and knocking people over when they come in the house?

Thank you for your help - Donna

Hi Donna

I'm not sure what sort of application you mean - I am in the UK so maybe we don't use such a product.  Why not section off an area and use a specific substrate such as bark chippings to teach Jake to toilet on?  

When people come to the house keep Jake on a lead and hold on to it until the people have come in and sat down.  Don't let go of the lead until he is calm.  reward him with food for paying attention to you and make sure you instruct your visitors to ignore him completely.  This way he will break the habit and start to associate visitors with getting treats from you, rather than being about greeting them.
