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unique houstraining quandry...

18 18:03:36

   My boxer is now 12 weeks old and has done exceptionally well with the housetraining.  I think my big dogs had a hand in his training thus far, because after about four weeks of taking him out under my arm, he's now going on his own - like my older dogs.  However, a problem has arisen...  The pup does not like going outside in the rain.  So, today he took a dump right inside the threshold of the backyard door!  We did not see him do it, so we did not express our displeasure, simply cleaned it up.  I set up a little tarp under a tree where he could stay dry as he relieved himself -- this works, once he's under the tarp.  It's getting to the tarp that is the problem.  My other boxer loved all water, but this little guy hates it.  He won't go outside if left to his own volition.  I went for a walk with him in the rain and he's fine.  He came home completely soaked and very happy.  So I don't think it's particularly a watter issue per se, but he just does not want to walk on his own outside to pee when it rains...  I don't mind taking him outside when it's raining, but I don't want to do this forever.  My big dogs couldn't care less what the weather is like, when their 100 gallon tanks are full, after 8 hours -- they go pee!  What do you think I should try?

Best Regards,

J.D. Lowes
Dallas, GA.

I think for now, just go out with him, JD. You shouldn't have to do it forever, just like you don't still have to go out with him when it's not raining outside. He just needs to learn that it's just as 'okay' to go out to potty if it >>is<< raining as it is to go when it's not!