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pup marking in house

19 9:02:42

our 6 month old  min pin  has started to make his mark all over our home....he is litter box (wee wee pads in box) trained, and does well with it...he is rewarded every time he has a "good potty" everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times he will mark different objects or can we correct this bad behavior?

Neuter him, Gail. While that will not eliminate the problem in and of itself, it will get rid of the hormones that are telling him that he must claim the world before anyone else does! Hee hee!

The easiest way to solve this problem is to keep him in your sight at all times and immediately correct him verbally as soon as you see him showing signs that he's going to do it (sniffing the corner of the wall or table leg, or starting to lift his leg on something). Treat this exactly the same way you treated his accidents while you were litter box training him.