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Puppy that continues to pee in the house

19 9:02:42

I have a 16 wk old female German shepherd with 2 problems:
she is still nipping, I've tried everything I've read, nothing works, she turns it into a game; at night time she sleeps with me, when she needs to urinate or defecate, she cries, I go toward the door with her, she takes a detour and goes down to the basement where she does her business on the cement floor or the broadloom.
How can I remedy these problems? I should mention there is another shepherd in the house, 4 yr old neutered male, he is very tolerant of her puppy ways, also he never messed in the house, his mama trained him in a country setting.
Please help, thank you.

Hi Catherine
With the biting try this:
Put the end of her leash gently over a doorknob.
Play with her and as soon as she bites you, say, "Ouch!" and walk away from her. Come back and talk to her while you are walking towards her "Good girl, thanks for not biting me!" and repeat the exercise. If she is just out of control, put her in her crate for 15+ minutes to calm down.

With the housetraining, you just need to have her on leash inside so she can't get away from you. Write down her progress on a chart so you can keep track of when she has to go, if necessary.

Hope this helps.
