Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > 4 month old puppy

4 month old puppy

19 8:58:20

QUESTION: I just got a puppy I don't know much about except age. I think she is a Beagle I am not even sure but she is not party trained and we are trying to do the pads but not working what would you advice?

ANSWER: I'd crate or confine her when you can't watch her. Take her outside frequently (you go with her) and praise when she potties. If she doesn't potty within 5 minutes, take her back in, confine her and try again in 5 minutes, until she eliminates. Then she can play within your supervision. Close doors, use baby gates, tether her to you and don't let her out of your sight. Dogs like to go off to areas they don't use and leave little presents. You can't stop that if you don't see it happen. If you notice her starting to sniff or circle, get her outside. Clean up any accidents with a good enzymatic cleaner made especially for pet stains. I'm not a big fan of teaching dogs that they should eliminate in the house. But if I did, I would use a litter box instead of pads. Pads are too much like rugs and other soft objects which may be left on the floor. Sandy Case MEd CPDT

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: You mean I can use a liter box like I do for my cat? With or without cat liter? This is new to me. Also thank you for your last response.

Actually, they make a litter specifically for dogs. I know Petsmart carries it. And you can sprinkle a little used litter outside where you want her to go. Honestly, though, unless she has to be left alone for much longer than she can be expected to hold it, I think it is clearer to the dog that they potty outside and not in the house.