Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > Why and how do I get my dog to stop peeing a little bit at a time

Why and how do I get my dog to stop peeing a little bit at a time

19 8:58:20

QUESTION: My puppy only pees a few drops if that at a time and moves on to pee somewhere else. What aggravates me is one day we'll go outside and hell pee a good amount out of his system and the next day he'll pee a few drops and sometimes not even that and moves on to do that to another area. i cant keep walking around while he barely pee's while its raining hard or its freezing cold. I want to know how to get him to pee normally like my other dog and just pee it all out at one time. How?

ANSWER: First thing I'd do is check to see if there is a physical reason. Some puppies also do excitement or submissive urination, which is usually just a little bit. Depending on his age, he may be starting to "mark" stuff - which is claiming territory instead of relieving himself. Much depends on age and breed. Sandy Case MEd, CPDT

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is there anything that I can do to get him to urinate normally?

It would really depend on WHY he is only letting a little out at a time. If it is male marking, neutering might help. If it is a physical problem - like a narrow urethra or a prostate issue, that's for your vet to answer. Or it may just be a puppy thing that he will outgrow. I don't think it is something you can train.