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potty training pup

18 17:59:49

Hi Kim, Last Monday i got a twelve weeks old Shih Tzu pup. She sleeps in a play pen and if i have to go out she stays there too. She does her business in there and anywhere else that she is. I will have her outdoors for long and as she gets back in the house she potty there. help! how can i get her trained. I am new at this it's my first pup. Thanks for your advise.

Howdy, Cheryl!  You may want to consider crate training.  The ASPCA has a good article here - .  Also, be sure to clean the playpen and anywhere else your pup has gone potty with a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar to neutralize the odor.  Otherwise, dogs will usually go to that spot again if they can smell it.  Dogs don't usually like to potty where they lie, so a crate should be just big enough for her to lay comfortably without much extra space.  This will help to discourage going potty in it.  Feel free to check out my blog for more potty training tips - .  Good luck!