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3 yr old Beagle/Lab mix peeing at night

19 9:03:17

I have a 3 1/2 yr old Beagle/Lab mix.  We take her out right before we go to bed and she gets up in the middle of the night and pees in the same spot.  We crate her during the day and she holds it just fine.  We let her sleep in the bed with us at night because we tried the crate and she scratches and yells all night and we can't do that.  We tried taking her for a walk right before bed to make her tired and she still gets up and pees.  We just moved into a new, nice apartment and we can't keep letting her pee in the floor.  We have took up her water like 3 hours before bed.  Nothing is working.  She pees everytime we take her outside.  I am out of options. HELP!!

As much as it is going to 'suck,' Brooke, you need to try to endure her scratching and crying and carrying on and start crating her at night, so that she gets it through her head that she is to hold it until morning. If you can get through the first few nights' outbursts when she goes in the crate, which should only last for a short while (you may want to start an hour early, so you don't lose sleep), she should figure out that acting like an idiot doesn't work, and should just go to sleep instead of yelling and scratching to be let out.

Believe me, I KNOW it will be difficult, but it's something you're going to have to do if you want to stop the peeing in the middle of the night.

Another thing you could do is to put something on top of the place that she is going to the bathroom, or feed her in that spot.