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Dog peeing in carpet

19 9:01:48


My dog is 3 years old and she has been trained to go outside and pee. Recently, instead of asking to go outside, she has been going inside the house.

She only does this when we leave her alone. Once I took her outside and she refused to go, but I left her for a second inside and she went on the carpet. I don't understand why.

I have been confining her to the kitchen so she doesn't go on the rug, but she still goes on the floor.

please help!  

Hello Monica,
I'm wondering if she could have an infection that is causing her to go when she gets stressed out or something.  
Has the been any changes in her environment?  
Without having more information, the best suggestion I can give you is to crate her when you are not able to supervise her / or are not at home.  A nice spacious open crate would be best.   Crates are a wonderful tool to use when housetraining a dog -- or in this case, re-housetraining.  The dogs like them and consider them their private little dens and will often go in them on their own when the door is open for a nap.     The dog will most likely not go in her little space.