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Lab/Rot mix on speed

19 8:58:54

Hi, we adopted a 1 year old black lab/rot mix. she was part of an animal cruelty case and spent 2 months at the pound before the rescus organization could take her in. she is afraid of people and took a while to trust us. we got her as a transition dog and a dog that would encourage our other two to be alive in their final years (14 and 13 year old mix breeds who are trained and obedient although one is now deaf and the other going blind). Misty (1 year old) is proving to be more than we bargained for. she runs through the flower beds trampling and ripping to shreds all of our plants, tress, flowers, etc. during a game of fetch she brings the item back at full speed and runs into you or jumps on you (i have the bruises to prove it). she ignores her name, thinks everything is a game, is difficult to discipline because she runs off in play mode and will make circles around you and high speeds.  she bites legs and just generally will not settle down. she has also started going upstairs at night (after spending all day outside) and poop in our game room.  I am looking into obedience courses but hoped there was some advice we could get now to help.

Hi Jacquie,

Looking into obedience courses? I'd say you're looking in the right place.

Your dog Misty is not on speed, she is simply out of control and needs rules and discipline. I'd suggest you start by putting her on a leash and keeping her fastened to your belt. Where you go, she should go. When you sit, she should sit. Begin by showing her that you control her. You cannot correct her if you can't control her.

Immediately begin teaching her to walk with you at a heel and to do the down command. Again, she must be taught that there is a structure to your pack (family) and she must obey the rules you set. Also, consider getting her a doggy back pack to make her walks more strenuous and to drain some of her energy.

Finally, be sure to follow through on getting some professional help. It would be a tragedy if Misty was returned to the pound.

Good Luck!
