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unexpected behaviour

19 8:57:26

we have a 1 yr old golden retriever, he is a gentle dog which always lays down for a stranger to pet his tummy. There is an incident that he tried to steal food from the kitchen and saw by my husband, he said NO to him, then our dog came to my husband and looked like it wanted him to pet him but my husband refused. Our dog was gradually getting mad and started barking. We pulled him away.  My husband is very mad up to now and doesn't think the dog is safe to keep because it looks like want to attack him by barking and jumping on him but no biting. [ Our dog jumps sometimes when he is excited but it is improving since he is a puppy .] I am sure our dog already forget the incident but not my husband, he ignores it when it greets him. It is tough to see the wall between the dog and my husband. Any advice for him and me?  Thanks! karen

First of all being just 1 year of age he is still a puppy. Has he been in obedience training? This will help him look to you as the ruler of the house so he will understand what is expected of him.
You husband needs to get over it, ignoring the dog only shows signs to the dog that something is wrong not that the dog remembers what has happened.If your dog wanted to bite your husband he would of, my advice to you is to get some obedience training for your dog this will help set the rules then teach him what is ok to do and what isn't.
Ignoring the dog when he comes to greet your husband should not be done, like I said the dog has forgotten what has happened.
