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Housebreaking 2 puppies

18 17:59:41

Hi Kim,

I have 2 male American Eskimo pups.  They are 3 months old and we have had them  home almost 3 weeks now.  The smaller one really seems to be picking up the housebreaking rules and goes to the backdoor and scratches to tell me he needs to go out.  The bigger pup just doesn't seem to get it.  I've never had this much trouble housebreaking a dog!

We've been following a strict schedule of when to feed, when to crate and when to go out and nothing seems to be working.  When I let them out, they seem to be interested more in playing with each other than getting down to business.  In fact, they'll play for 30 minutes plus, and then we'll bring them in and the bigger one will immediately have an accident on the floor.

Should I be letting them out individually until they are through and then let them play together?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, Brooke!  I'm sure those pups are beautiful!  Try keeping the smaller pup crated while you take the larger one out on a leash.  Lead him to where he should potty (where he will pick up the scent of previous urine or poop) and give the command "go potty" or whatever command you wish to use every time you want him to potty.  Do not allow him to run and play until he goes potty.  You may have to stand there for 20 minutes or so the first few times, but I believe this will do it.  Every time he does go potty where you want him to, praise him a lot and tell him "good potty!"  Continue to do this a couple weeks after he gets it, before you try letting both pups out together again.  Also, if you would like to avoid scratches on your door, you may want to check out my potty training bell here:  Good luck!