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Training dog to go outside

19 8:58:31

Hi, I read your site, but didn't see my issue addressed. I'm hoping you can help! I adopted a 2 y.o. neutered male pug from a shelter a few mos. ago. We had been doing walks in the morning and in the evenings during which he would go to the bathroom and get exercise. It typically would take him about 15-20 min before he found his "perfect" spot to go.

With the weather warming up, he's been unable to walk as far, so I decided to try to get him to go in my backyard. Here's what I've been doing: Take him out first thing in the morning. Tell him to "go potty," but otherwise ignore him until he goes, at which time I throw him a party! Usually, he doesn't go on the first trip out there, even though he won't have gone for 12 hours +. I've had him on a leash--he won't walk. Instead, he just sits down and stares at me. We go back inside after 15-30 minutes of this. I get ready for work. Then bring him down again. He usually goes pee the second time. I then take him back in for food.

The pooping is a bigger problem. He has been holding it for longer and longer periods of time--34 hours last time! He had three bowls of food during that time (breakfast, dinner, breakfast again), and still didn't want to go. The few times he has gone, I  then take him on a walk afterwards for a "reward." The problem is he's usually going late at night, before bed, and it's too late to take him out for a walk, so I don't think he's been making any connection between the two.

Per the advice of a trainer, I tried the "match" trick--sticking a small paper match in his rectum to stimulate things. It hasn't had any success.

We've been at it for seven days now and I'm just not sure if I'm doing something wrong, if I have an incredibly stubborn dog, or if he's just untrainable.

I apologize for the lengthy email, but figured I'd give you the full picture. Any advice you may have would be greatly appreciated!


Hi, Beth. It sounds like you're on the right track; you just need a little bit of a push up the hill. ;^)

First, when you take him out in your yard (vs on a walk), there is no need to stand out there for 15-20 minutes waiting for him to 'go.' Take him out and walk him around in the yard for up to 5 minutes, and then go back inside. Keep him on the leash so that if he starts to potty when you get back inside, you can immediately get him back outside, where you will stay again for up to 5 minutes. Repeat until he potties outside, and throw his potty party!

I'm a little confused re: the pooping problem. Is he having accidents in the house at night, or did you mean that you take him out too late to go for a walk after he does his business? If he's having accidents in the house, I would try feeding him dinner earlier. If that doesn't solve the problem, I'd cut out dinner altogether and feed him his entire daily ration at one feeding (that's what I do anyway - my dogs get fed once a day, with the exception of puppies and pregnant/lactating moms.

You may want to try just playing with him for a few minutes instead of taking him for a walk as a reward. That's more of an instant gratification and should help get the point across.

Good luck and let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!