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Potty trainin

18 17:56:08

I have a minipin and he is 6months when potty training and bein in house do u leave them in kennel and only take out 2 use bathrm and let play for a little while?

Hi Holly!

You need to be fair to the puppy so that they have adequate time out of the kennel also.  You should keep him in a relatively confined area (like the living room with all other doors shut, or in the kitchen using a baby gate) when inside the house and out of the kennel until he proves he behaves and earns more freedom.  Then add more space as time goes on, but only if there are no potty incidents in the house for a while.  You should allow your pup out of the kennel and in the confined area when you can supervise him until you can trust him not to potty there.  I hope this helps!
Good luck!