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whiney dog

18 17:48:08

How do I stop my dog from whining while on a walk? He is calm when getting ready for the walk but within seconds on the walk he starts to whine and will bark at everyone and anything. I have tried leash correction, gentle lead, weighted jacket and exercising him before a walk.

Thanks for the question. It sounds like your dog is excited about walking and may even have a bit of anxiety going on too. Take a look at my web site for some tips on training and behavior.

Your question doesn't tell me what type of dog you are working with, but there is a possibility that barking is part of your dog's job description. Feel free to drop a note about that as a follow-up if you wish.

Have you practiced using treats for some positive reinforcement of the non-barking behavior? For example, you are moving forward while quiet and if the dog starts barking/whining stop and ask for a SIT or similar things that your dog does well. You can also lure the dog ahead with a scrumptious treat to encourage him to keep moving and remain quiet.

Let me know how you are progressing and send me any questions you have after looking at my web site.