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hearding Shelti and ajility training

19 9:00:36

I have two things i would like to ask.
First my family just got a sheltie. We have had her for about a month. She is 3 months old and named Sadie. We knew when we got her that shelties are herding dogs but that fact is driving us mad. She constantly herds me- jumping on, barking at and nipping my feet. She also does that to bugs and our cat, the cat is sick of it and has started using claws after teasing the Sadie. We're afraid she's going to get really hurt. We've tried shutting her in her kennel, ignoring her, telling her no (which she understands in everything else), and blowing on her face (that's what her breeder suggested) but nothing has worked. Is there any way to get her to stop? she's a show grade dog but if she keeps it up the cat will make sure she isn't.
Second, we want to train Sadie for agility. When should we start and what might a good way to do it be.

Hi Julie,

There is no way to stop a dog from doing what they've been bred to do. Stopping beagles from barking is impossible, stopping retrievers from retrieving/swimming is impossible, stopping terriers from digging and killing smaller critters is impossible, stopping herding breeds from herding is impossible. You knew she'd want to do this before you got her.  She has nothing to herd so she's herding you, the bugs and the cat.

All you can hope to do is manage it and finding a positive trainer in your area is your best chance of learning how to channel this herding energy into something more useful to you. Thefirst thing your puppy needs is an obedience class or two. A positive trainer will teach you how to train simple behaviors such as sits/stays/recalls; all of these are needed in order to be able to work a dog in agility.

Lots of shelties excel in agility and agility gives dogs something to use their energy on besides herding. But first things first: obedience, teaching your dog to play with you and then learning to play agility together.

You can find a positive trainer at  and you can find an agility trainer at under the club listing. Many, but not all, clubs teach agility.

Good luck,


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