Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > nails


18 17:46:11

I have a 6 lb Yorkie that is a rescue, we've had her about a year, and the vet thinks she's about 3 years old - when I take her to get her nails trimmed it's EXTREMELY traumatic for her.  they have to put a muzzle on and she jerks around, and tries to bark and bite, which is not like her at all - she NEEDS to have her nails trimmed about once a month, but it's SO traumatic that I hesitate to bring her, how can I make this situation better?

There may not be anything you can do depending on what type of instrument or tool they use to cut the toe nails. It may be because they are not comfortable with the other people that are trimming them or simply that they do not like the atmosphere. Have you tried it at home and have you tried using the electronic buffer type nail trimmers?