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escessive whining, barking and jumping

18 17:47:07

Dear Anne,
We have a 2 year old Peruvian Inca Orchid neutered male dog. We are having trouble training him in several areas.  The 2 most important to us are 1-jumping and barking at visitors and 2-barking and whining at us when he wants something. We have tried to control the barking several ways including verbal commands, water spritz, shaking pennies in a can, separating him from us for a period of time and ignoring. we will have little success initially and then it wears off. For jumping we have tried turning our back on him and putting up a knee up to discourage. I am presently trying to give the sit command when he jumps to redirect him. When he jumps its with force even though he is only 25 pounds. When bought from the breeder we were told he was a very dominate male.  We have tried to require him to "earn" attention and going outside by sitting first. He is a very smart and very persistent dog. He also appears to be very anxious which I think accounts for some of the barking and whining especially while outside on a  walk.  We have resorted to walking him on a treadmill everyday to insure exercise because walking outside can be quite an ordeal. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Did you take this dog to classes???  I would bet no, or that the instructor you had was a punisher.  I'm afraid what you have done thus far has been quite counterproductive and it could be from receiving bad advice from folks you should have been able to trust.  Dominance theory has been largely discounted, and it's unfortunate that your breeder gave you such outdated advice.  The dog is anxious, I suspect, partly because you are so unpredictable.  Spritzing and shake cans are anxiety-producing, rarely get dogs to stop unwanted behavior permanently, and serve only to destroy the bond between you.  I think a better strategy might be to learn to clicker train the dog.  Clicker training is based on science, gives the dog a predictable way to earn your approval, and provides stronger long-term learning.  The Pet Professional Guild has listings, and so does the Academy for Dog Trainers, and Karen Pryor Academy.  Meanwhile, there's a free tutorial at  Amazon probably has some good basic books - one is Peggy Tillman's "Clicking with your Dog" - I hope you'll try it out and I think you'll be amazed at the results if you do.
Great tutorials by Pam's Dog Academy: